Thursday, July 10, 2008

"The Woman Who Wouldn't" by Gene Wilder

That's right - THE Gene Wilder wrote this book. I have to say, for a little ole novella, it was an adorable book, and I feel like there was so much Gene in it. The story is about a concert violinist who just goes off his rocker for no real reason, in the early 1900s, and he's sent to a health institution in Germany.

There he meets a prim and proper lady, who is wonderful. He soon discovers she is there because she has cancer (sound familiar) and they get married, and I just can't tell you the ending. I refuse.

Something about this book was sooo Gene and Gilda. I'm a huge fan of the both, and adoring of the relationship they had. It's almost hurtful to read this book simply because in some ways you feel like Gene is talking about her.

But I would recommend it, it's fabulous.

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