Wednesday, July 2, 2008

"Will Storr v. The Supernatural" by Will Storr

Okay, okay, we all know that I'm a ghost fanatic. And have every right to be. I was quite astounded with this book, though. Really!

I've read a number of books from ghost hunters, demonologists, you name it. They usually are pretentious, and extremely defensive about what they do. Will Storr is an English journalist who fell into ghost hunting, basically, and was never completely convinced. He had a number of experiences with a number of supernaturally-inclined throughout the world, and he leaves it up to the reader to decide.

I found his story a little more genuine because he specifically said that he went in as a skeptic and came out "not sure." That's it. He explains theories, but never really pushes them on the reader. He admits when there are things he can't explain, and things no one else was able to as well.

I think I found this book a little more scary because of all of this. As much as I would love to believe everything I hear, I know this ghost world a little too well, and know that there are some fakes out there. I'm a little more caught up in the science and evidence part of it all, which made this book awesome for me.

I think this book would be a good read, even for skeptics.

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