Wednesday, June 18, 2008

"Love the One You're With" by Emily Griffin

This book was solely for us chicks - it falls right in line with things like Sex and the City and Confessions of a Shopaholic.
And I have to say that I don't usually read books with pink or pastel covers (surprising, I know, because I love pink and pastels.... and I'm a complete girly girl) but this one really did tug at my heart, so I might just have to start.
Anyways, it takes us through the story of Ellen and Andy, newlyweds. Ellen is living her dream in New York City - she's a renowned photographer, she has the absolutely perfect (and rich) husband, and she is happy as all can be. Soon, she runs into Leo, her ex-boyfriend from ages ago that brought out the worst in her. Yet, as she describes, her relationship with Leo was always intense. She soon finds herself wondering what might have been - even though it was almost inevitably never going to work.
I sort of wondered if Griffin was inspired by Sex and the City, because the picture was all-too-reminiscent of Carrie when she is cheating on Aidan with Mr. Big. I can't tell you whether or not Ellen actually cheats on her husband, but the tug at her heart was imbearable. Remember how you yelled at Carrie for being so stupid for giving up the perfect guy, yet you know she had something so real with Mr. Big? This book plays on just that.
I'm not going to tell you who she ends up with, so I'm going to recommend that you take the time to read this one for yourself.

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